Kid's Clay Play

Kid's Clay Play


10 AM - 12 PM

Join us for an exploratory play time open to all ages 7 & Under.

    • stations where kids can play with water, clay, paint brushes, toy cars and animals, and create whatever their imagination can come up with!

    • potter’s wheels set up and ready for the littles to take them for a spin!

    • be prepared to get a little (or sometimes a lot) messy! While we do provide aprons, bringing a change of clothes and wearing easy-to-clean shoes isn’t a bad idea.

    • Clay Play is a playtime, NOT a class. No creations will be kept to be fired during this time. If you would like to learn to create a project, check out our one-time classes for kids!

    • playing with clay has many benefits, some being an opportunity to practice fine motor skills and an incredible sensory experience!

    • an opportunity for littles (and their guardians) to socialize!

    • and it’s just plain fun!


Booking is required for participation to ensure we do not overfill our capacity each week. To reserve a spot for age 2 & under use code “UNDER3” at checkout. Adults do not need to book a spot for themselves or babies that will not participate.